For a "first" declaration on the subject here in the United States, Reverend Wood has gone all out.. this book is no timid venture. And we tend to wonder what the future holds for Reverend Wood in the ministry of the Congrogational Christian Churche S. As he himself says, "some of my colleagues have suggested that I ought not to associate myself openly with this book. But the message needs to be proclaimed, and the time is long past duo."

The book is dedicated "to the lonely and rejected homosexuals who feel damned" and "also, to my fellow clergy who damn the homosexual...May you find in these pages the Light that is Josus Christ."

The book deals with the problems of the male homosexual, but Reverend Wood points out the answers offered in the concluding section are equally valid for the male and the female homophile. He cites three conditions whoreby homosexual expression my bo moral, but to offer these here out of context and without the background material set forth would not serve our purpose. This messago should be read in the original and with a Bible alongside for reference.


Dr. Albert Ellis, who himself is a controversial figure in the unfolding of knowledge about the homosexual, in his introduction to the book offers the clergy the "out" they undoubtedly will seek from Reverend Wood's strong position of acceptance of the homo sexual as one of God's children without qualification that he change, or seek the change, his sexual orientati on – only that he accept his social responsibilities and seek the highest level of "redemptive love, mature adjustment and creativeness" of which he is capable.

Just as mombers of the clergy will undoubtedly take Roverend Wood's conclusions with "a grain of salt", we must caution then that Dr. Ellis' position is also open to question. Dr. Ellis not only claims that "fixed deviants are raised rather than born to be the way they are, are emotionally ill, and theoretically can do something to overcome their oxclusive homosexuality", but (not in this introduction) he also claims that the exclusive heterosexual as well as the exclusive homosexual is neurotic.